Sunday, February 12, 2012

PowerPoint Power - Taking That First Step

Well folks, this is it! I have finally reached a new digital threshold! Ready for it?

...I finally made my first PowerPoint!!!

In the past, when I had the option of making a PowerPoint or not making a PowerPoint, I always chose the "not" option. I would make posters, use video clips, bring visuals... anything, in short, to avoid the big PP.

Now that I've done it, I honestly have no idea why I avoided it for so long. It was fun!

I think that's what is funny about becoming digitally civilized - the hardest part is the first step. We don't want to let go of our traditions and make that move out of our comfort zone.

This is nothing new. When my great-grandpa first got an electric light bulb in his house, he didn't like the way it hung in his face. So, he got a knife and tried to cut it off.

Yeah, that didn't go over well.

Then again, my grandma used a computer in her 90's, and was still ordering things from Ebay, trying to learn how to use Grooveshark and checking her e-mail not long before she passed away.

So, I guess whether or not I choose to be inspired by my grandma and warned by my great-grandpa is up to me, but I think I want to follow the more adventurous road. I'll probably end up doing the same things either way, but if I dive right in instead of waiting around until the last minute, I'll save time and build confidence. It's like going off a diving board - if you just go for it, it will become easier and easier each time, but if you stop and think about it for too long, you'll get cold feet - literally - and probably wind up in a belly flop.

OK, Prezi. It's a date.

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