Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Tweet, I Whistle

Since a horde of people have suddenly started posting about their blog "tweethises," it made me wonder if I had a central message to my blog. The verdict: I do!

When I started this class, I was surprised to find it was geared almost completely toward digital technology, philosophy, information systems, government control, and other things along that line. When I took the first half of World Civ, the focus had been on the music, art, religion, literature, famous people, and other aspects of the culture, and so I was excited to start the second half because that sort of thing is very interesting to me, especially the music. I admit it - I was very disappointed to realize as the weeks went on that no thrilling exploration of world history's culture would be forthcoming. At first I moped around, feeling stuck in a class where there was such an inundation of digital focus that, while I'll be the first to agree that it's important to be on the cutting edge of understanding technology, I was drowning in too much of a good thing, and starving for lack of anything else. Then, as we talked more about self-directed learning, I realized that it was OK if I was interested in the real-life culture and people of the time periods being covered while everyone else was eager to philosophize about digital worlds, because with self-directed learning, we could learn about whatever we wanted to. I decided that I would be the voice for the cultural side of history, and everyone else could be the voice for whatever they wanted to be, and if nobody was interested in music and dancing and books, well, that was OK, and if I found out there were others who were also interested in the culture of the time periods, that would be good too, and if in the meantime I became more interested in digital philosophizing, well, that would be great as well.

So, I love music and culture, and I'll be an advocate for it even if no one else is interested, because they can be interested in whatever they want, and that's OK.

So, that's my "tweethis." Except, I don't have Twitter yet. So for now, I guess it's my theme song.

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